Every year we organise a party for our client families. The party offers a rare opportunity to those seeking asylum or recently granted the right to settle here, to have a few hours recreation and socialising. Father Christmas gives presents to all the children. For many of them these will be the first presents they have received in a long, long time. Every year the party is organised in partnership and with the support of St Matthias Church. The party is normally held just before the Christmas holidays. Every year around 250 clients attend this party, at least half of whom are children. There is food, live music, entertainment including a childrens’ club, dance, drumming, and Santa Claus, who hands out presents to the kids. Each year we are fortunate in having the help of over 30 volunteers without whose participation none of this would be possible. The volunteers work very hard and effectively together to facilitate the smooth running of the party. Our special thanks goes to the local schools, faith groups and individual donors who provide us with cash and gifts for Santa’s Grotto.