Women’s Group

Women’s Group

Jasmine Women’s Group

We have been running our Women’s Group , Jasmine, for the past 10 years. The aim of this project is to support isolated BMER women and specifically support those with mental health issues through psycho-social activities. Jasmine provides a safe place for these women to socialise, meet and make new friends, and to acclimatise. In some instances an outing to the Jasmine group session is the only thing they attend outside their homes. We reimburse participants’ bus fares.

The group meets every week on Fridays at the Sacred Heart Church in Mill Hill where they can participate in group activities such as outings, photography, art and crafts, health access or health promotion workshops and many other psycho-social activities.

To get registered with the group please call:

Tanya Novick
Group Coordinator
07914920880 or NCG office on 0208905 9002


I cannot wait for Fridays to meet my new family