The aim of this project is to help meet the needs of our clients and to improve cohesion and integration by enabling refugees from different communities and British people to volunteer together on a variety of projects. This work has practical benefits for both communities. Refugees and asylum seekers in particular gain in many ways such as providing equality of access to services, helping minority communities grow in confidence, and enabling full participation.
Our experience shows that volunteering opportunities help immigrants to gain confidence and self-discipline, and are a positive pathway to integration. They can also lead to employment, enhancing people’s mental health and confidence.
Volunteering, especially for people from a refugee background, can create opportunities to try out new and different occupations in the new UK environment. This is particularly relevant in a context where many refugees experience a societal process of de-skilling through non-recognition of their qualifications.
“Unfortunately we will not be recruiting any volunteers until further notice.”
We will be updating this page, please check again at a later date.
If you are interested to Volunteer with us please contact:
Farida Stanikzai
Position: Operations Manager
Telephone: 0208 905 9002