We set up our Mothers and Toddlers group in partnership with the Hyde Children’s Centre in 2010. This is a weekly stay, play and learn group for Refugee and Asylum seeking mums with babies and toddlers under five. The purpose of the group is to give mums the opportunity to learn English, make friends and socialise while their children learn through free play, activities, messy play, singing, dancing, informal English teaching and interaction with each other. It is also a great opportunity to prepare children for Nursery and for the mothers to gain access to information relating to having young children. This group runs every Tuesday morning from 10 – 12 noon during school term times at The Hyde Children`s Centre.
Lessons are geared to Pre-Entry level for mothers, as many of them speak little or no English. Taught by a qualified ESOL teacher, lessons are health focused, teaching practical vocabulary – parts of the body, food, safety in the house, and conversation practice involves talking about, for instance, daily routines, going shopping, and going to the doctor.
We also provide focused workshops for the mothers on topics such as healthy eating, oral hygiene for the kids, fire safety, breast awareness etc. The group meets every Tuesday.
I am happy with this group, I meet other ladies and learn English
I am happy with this group, I meet other ladies and learn English