Gardening Project (Ecotherapy)

Gardening Project (Ecotherapy)

Sowing Seed Gardening Project

In April 2015, under our Ecotherapy program, we established a new project called “Sowing Seeds Therapy Project” to promote the good mental and physical wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers through outdoor activity in a green environment (Ecotherapy), tackling social isolation, encouraging integration and improving community cohesion with emphasis on those with mental health issues. Based at an allotment site in Colindale (Sheaveshill avenue) The sessions run twice a week on Mondays & Fridays from 10am to 2pm.

The NCG allotment is also registered with Capital Growth, which includes the Edible Open Gardens and Big Dug Days scheme. They provide us with discounted training on how to grow organic vegetables and how to save seeds.

Health and Wellbeing Workshops

As the majority of our clients are on low incomes and live below the poverty line, it is important to increase their knowledge about nutritious food, especially for families with young children. As part of our promotion of a healthier lifestyle and with the support of volunteer nutritionists, we deliver health nutrition workshops at the allotment on a regular basis. The sessions may include: how to maintain good mental health; using basic crops/ herbs to make herbal infusions; how to make an all-purpose ointment using calendula flowers; making good herbal teas; measuring health; good/bad foods; shopping on a tight budget; top tips for making food last longer; making our favourite meals healthier; meditation and exercise.

To register please contact:

Farida Stanikzai

Position: Operations Manager


Telephone: 0208 905 9002